They are ready. Let’s give them the opportunity.
The goal: Raise $1 million to build up the WAVS vocational school in the capital city
WAVS is constructing a new, 28-acre campus in the heart of Guinea-Bissau that will train more than 2,000 students each year – all while sharing God’s love through word and deed.
Thanks to your generosity, Phase 1 of the campus is almost complete! Today, we’re moving forward with Phase 2, which will include a second classroom building and a large workshop for welding, construction and carpentry students. Scroll down to see an architect’s rendering of these new buildings.
Working together, if we can raise $1 million before the end of the year, we expect to complete Phase 2 by the end of 2022. Thank you for your generosity!
Latest update: So far, more than $800,000 has already been raised. Thank you! This leaves less than $200,000 to raise before the end of the year.
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