You may have never heard of this obscure country before, but chances are you’ve enjoyed some of Guinea-Bissau’s produce— the country is one of the world’s leading exporters of cashews. With just 1.6 million people in a country the size of Maryland, it’s easy to overlook Guinea-Bissau. But we can’t afford to ignore this culturally-rich and vibrant country. It’s the sixth-poorest nation in the world and two-thirds of the population survives off less than $2 a day. Sometimes families can’t even afford to buy a sack of rice.
Despite the fertile land, Guinea-Bissau is critically under-developed. Only pockets of the capital city have electricity. The rest of the country is in the dark. Sewage seeps into the same ground where well-water is drawn from. It’s not surprising that the average life-expectancy age is 49.
The language spoken in Guinea-Bissau is a unique Portuguese-based Creole. For audio-guided lessons in speaking Creole, click here.
The WAVS School is located in the town of Canchungo, about 70 kilometers northwest of the capital, Bissau.
The work we are able to do in Guinea-Bissau is dependent on people like you. Join us today, and help transform one of the world’s poorest and smallest countries.