Later this year, we will break ground on a brand-new 16,000-square-foot Training Center that will serve up to 200 students each year. The building will include four training labs where students will learn welding, civil construction, machining and carpentry.


To start using the new Training Center, we first need to purchase tools and machines for the students to practice their new skills. If we can raise $50,000 by the end of June, we’ll be able to purchase and ship over the welders, drill presses, band saws, and tool kits needed for the Training Center to open on schedule.

Your gift today will help reach this goal and help build brighter futures for young men and women in one of the world’s smallest and poorest countries.

Your gift today will help buy the tools and machines for students to learn and practice their new skills

Hand Tools
($25 each)



Purchase one of the tools each student will need for their course.



Buy Tools

Drill Press
($100 towards a drill press)


Give toward buying one of the drill presses in the new training center.



Buy Drill Presses

Band Saws
($250 each)



Purchase a band saw for the new carpentry program. 




Buy Band Saws

($500 each)



Equip the welding workshop with welders.




Buy Welders

Heavy Machinery


Invest in one of the key pieces of machinery that will be used at the training center.


Buy Machinery

The amounts shown above are representative of actual costs. Your gift will be used to purchase and deliver tools and machinery for the WAVS Training Center, though the specific item purchased with your gift will be determined by the needs of the training program.

Equip students like Cirilo so they can work for a brighter future

Cirilo was born in Guinea-Bissau, a country where most people earn less than $2 a day. As a child, he suffered from severe malaria and nearly died.

After high school, Cirilo knew he wanted something more for his family than the extreme poverty he was born into. But he was unemployed and had no job skills. He had no idea what to do next.

That’s when he heard about the WAVS vocational school’s nine-month welding course. He immediately enrolled. After Cirilo graduated from the course he opened his own welding workshop.

Today, Cirilo earns a steady income and is able to provide for his wife and young son, as well as pay his brothers’ school fees.

Cirilo has also helped others achieve the same success he’s found in life. At his workshop, he has several apprentices. He’s paid for two of them to attend the same WAVS welding course that changed his life.

Thanks to the skills he learned in the WAVS welding program, Cirilo has broken the cycle of poverty – and it’s had a ripple effect that extends far beyond just one person!

Today, you can give more young people like Cirilo the same opportunity to work for a brighter future.

Buy tools for students

See how this new training center fits into the vision for the Bissau campus

WAVS is building a new, 28-acre campus in the heart of Guinea-Bissau that will train five times an many students as we do today. Once complete, the campus will serve more than 2,000 students each year – all while sharing God’s love through word and deed.

Thanks to your generosity, Phase 1 and the Phase 2 second classroom building are complete. Your gift today will help us open the East Workshop Building that will complete Phase 2. 

Over the next seven years, WAVS will complete future phases that will include additional classroom buildings, workshops, a small café, guest house, a small hotel and a main “hub” center for the campus.

Learn more