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As a One Student member, you’re part of a community of people who are creating a world where everyone has the opportunity to provide for themselves and their families. To celebrate this exciting work, we’ve created The Yearbook. At the end of every three-month term at the WAVS Schools, visit The Yearbook to see your impact up close.
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Latest updates from the Spring 2020 term
Construction started at the Bissau Campus
WAVS has broken ground on the first classroom building at the new Bissau Campus. Despite the lockdown in Guinea-Bissau due to COVID-19, construction is allowed to continue. The goal is to finish the classroom by the end of 2020!
WAVS Canchungo Staff doing a team building exercise during training
WAVS School staff stayed busy despite schools being closed
The WAVS Schools are not able to start teaching students yet due to COVID-19, but that doesn’t mean the team hasn’t busy preparing! On May 11th the WAVS School Canchungo campus welcomed back its team and they have been busy updating curriculum, participating in team training, doing maintenance repairs and having the occasional team bonding moments!
This project not only helped improve the school’s infrastructure, but it also gave the students practical, hands-on experience.
Welding students built a new roof at the Canchungo campus
With the rainy season around the corner, the WAVS School Canchungo campus had a roof that was in need of a makeover. Thankfully the welding students were able to build a new steel-frame roof to shelter the containers, which are full of materials and supplies, before the rain started.
Around Campus
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Behind the Scenes
Thanks to your generosity and a grant from One Day’s Wages, the WAVS School campuses in Canchungo and Bissau now have clean drinking water!
WAVS School Welding Graduate
Meet Cirilo
Cirilo grew up in a family that couldn’t afford to even pay for his school uniform – much less for a college education.
After leaving home, Cirilo spent two years trying to find a job, but without job skills no one would hire him.
Then Cirilo heard about a nine-month welding course offered at a WAVS School. He eagerly signed up. Thanks to One Student members, the tuition was less than $10 a month, which was affordable for Cirilo.
After graduating, Cirilo started his own business and now runs a welding workshop with the help of seven apprentices – one of whom he’s even paid to enroll in the same WAVS welding course that he completed.
Today, Cirilo earns enough money to support his parents and pay for his siblings’ school fees. Thanks to his training and hard work, Cirilo has successfully traveled the path out of poverty.